
About masochistic view of postwar

I will talk about postwar responsibility of Japan in this radio program. I was able to invite my friend Kubo-san as a guest who traveled Taiwan and Korea.

I have believed that Japan should understand from the position of victim countries and fulfill its responsibilities for postwar responsibility. The act is neither "masochistic" nor anything. I'm in a position to fulfill our "positive" responsibilities in order to reconcile with neighboring countries and to move forward. And I'm also critical of historical revisionism and excessive nationalism.

After this trip, my views on postwar responsibility remained the same. However, I have been forced to make a major change in the historical perception of Korea with traveling with Kubo-san.





ちゃんサネの渡る世間なヨンゴヒンゴ | μFM | 2020/02/16/日 18:00-18:30